Copyright @ 2014 Mill Creek Practical Shooting League, Inc. All rights reserved
No Annual Membership Cost
(requires a commitment by the shooter to build two match stages per year. Must be registered on calendar to be considered a member)
$15 Member Pistol Match Fee
$30 Non-Member Pistol Match Fee
What to expect at your first match
You will be introduced to the exciting sport of practical pistol competition. This game will challenge your ability handle your handgun in a game that will combine marksmanship with speed. You will have to safely complete stages (also called courses of fire) that will require you shoot multiple targets from varying positions.
You will begin by getting a safety briefing that covers how our match is run. Please keep in mind that while the briefing will cover basic safety concerns, it is not a "Handgun 101" class. It is expected that every new competitor comes with the working understanding of their handgun.
You will then get paired up with an experienced competitor that will work with you through your first match.
What to do when you get to the match
Come early to the match. (Before 8 AM) You will need time to sign in/register and go through a safety briefing. Leave your gun and gear in your car until you check in. Once you check in, you will receive a safety briefing that will inform you of when and where you should handle your firearm during the match.
If you are a CCH carrier, you will be advised on how best to manage your carry gun when you check in.
Please let us know in advance if you are coming so that we can look out for you. Please also let us know if you have a group of new shooters that will all be coming together. This will allow us to optimize your first USPSA match experience.
Safety Policies
Mill Creek Practical Shooting League is affiliated with the United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA), and operates under the most current USPSA edition of the rulebook.
This is a cold range, all guns are carried unloaded. There will be no magazines in semi-automatic pistols. No gun handling at any time, unless within a designated safety area, or under the supervision of a Range Officer while preparing to shoot.
There will be no handling of live or dummy ammunition in the designated safety areas. Ear and eye protections are required at all times.
Trigger finger must not be inside the trigger guard while moving, reloading, clearing malfunctions, except when engaging targets. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in disqualification - termination of shooting privileges for the remainder of the day.
Gun muzzles must be pointed down range at all times. Muzzles turned more than 180 degrees from the range centerline will result in disqualification - termination of shooting privileges for the remainder of the day.
Handgun - There are different divisions in which you may compete at a USPSA pistol match. These Divisions are set up to ensure that you are competing against other shooters using similar equipment. If you are interested in learning more about these rules, you can go to the USPSA web site. For your first match, you probably already own a handgun that will allow you to get started.
You need a reliable handgun that shoots a bullet at least 9mm/.38 cal in diameter capable of meeting the power factor requirements. Most pistols chambered in 9mm and full size revolvers capable of shooting .38 Spcl +P will meet this requirement.
If you own more than one handgun, a full size/duty size gun will serve you better in this game than a compact or a subcompact pistol.
Holster - You need a belt holster that allows you to securely carry your handgun on the strong side of your body. The holster also needs to cover the trigger guard.
Ammunition Carrier - If you already own a few pouches, bring them. If not, you can probably complete your first match using your back pocket.
Magazines/Speed Loaders - General guideline for what you will need to successfully complete most of our longest stages.
Magazine Capacity Recommendation
Since a standard course of fire may require anywhere from 8 to 40 rounds to complete, the following guide can be used as a minimum recommendation for the number of magazines to bring with you to a match (shown below based on magazine capacity). Keep in mind that extra magazines are beneficial in case of misses or malfunctions.
<8 rounds or Revolvers - 6 Magazines (speed loaders, moon clips)
8-10 rounds 5 Mags
11-14 rounds 4 Mags
>15 rounds 3 Mags
Ammunition - The round count at a USPSA match changes every time, depending on what stages are set up. Our typical club match averages 120-140 rounds. If you come with 200 rounds, you should have enough to complete the match and have some to take home.
Belt - You will want to wear the sturdiest belt that you own.
Final Comments About Equipment
You probably noted the theme - use the stuff you already own. This advice is not intended to discourage you from buying new STUFF. It is meant to avoid buying unnecessary stuff that may not work for you. After you have shot a match or two, you will be able to better determine what you are going to need to help you succeed.
2014 USPSA Pistol Scores